Vocabulary List – Week 6

  1. surreptitious  – adjective
    obtained/done/made by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine
    I surreptitiously stuck something in my pocket while my mom wasn’t looking.
  2. coalesce – verb
    to blend or come together
    Even though I shook the snow globe, the white particles coalesced into a blob of white at the bottom.
  3. plunder – verb
    to rob of goods or valuables by open force, as in war, hostile raids, brigandage, etc.
    It was time to plunder the cookie jar and run away with a cookie.
  4. maraud – verb
    to roam or go around in quest of plunder; make a raid for booty
    The marauders plundered the house and took all the food.
  5. cacophony – noun
    a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds
    There was a cacophony of sound as my sister’s ring-tone exploded from her phone.
  6. affirm – verb
    to state or assert positively; maintain as true
    I looked at my watch and can affirm it is time to go to bed.
  7. inexplicable – adjective
    not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained.
    It is utterly inexplicable why my brother ate the hot popper.
  8. thwart – verb
    to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.
    My father thwarted the robber’s ability to steal everything from the house by punching his lights out.
  9. entice – verb
    to lead on by exciting hope or desire; allure;
    The bad man tried to entice a kid into his car by offering candy.
  10. seneschal – noun
    an officer having full charge of domestic arrangements, ceremonies, the administration of justice, etc., in the household of a medieval prince or dignitary; steward.
    The King’s seneschal was in charge of today’s ceremony.
  11. lintel – noun
    a horizontal architectural member supporting the weight above an opening, as a window or a door.
    My mom put the plant on the lintel to get some sun.
  12. impenetrable – adjective
    inaccessible to ideas, influences, unable to be penetrated etc.
    The castle’s defenses were impenetrable
  13. dais – noun
    a raised platform, as at the front of a room, for a lectern, throne, seats of honor, etc.
    The First Protector was placed on the dais for everyone to see.
  14. assent – verb
    to agree or concur; subscribe to (often followed by )
    With the assent of her parents, a marriage contract was established.
  15. incredulous – adjective
    indicating or showing unbelief
    I was incredulous when my son told me the story about how the lamp was broken.
  16. menacing – adjective
    something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat
    The menacing growl emerged from the dog as he attempted to thwart the robber from plundering his home.
  17. fissure – noun
    a long narrow opening or breakage made by cracking or splitting.
    After the earthquake, the neighbors noticed a fissure appear in the road.
  18. saunter – verb
    to walk with a leisurely gait; stroll
    A beautiful girl sauntered down the street, capturing everyone’s attention.
  19. preen – verb
    to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, beauty, etc.
    Straighten and clean feathers.
    After rolling in the dust, the bird immediately started to preen and put himself back in order.
    My sister was preening in front of the mirror, appreciating her own looks and the shape of her face.
  20. retort – verb
    to reply to, usually in a sharp or retaliatory way; reply in kind to.
    My brother retorted, “I think NOT!”