Recipe: Simple Baked Salmon Recipe

We actually had this last night. We started with a large 2.5lb salmon filet, and between the wife, two kids, and myself, we devoured it. Yup – kids eating their fish (not in stick form) and asking for seconds.

  • As much salmon as you want that can fit on a cookie sheet, slice it in roughly 1/3 lb serving sizes.
  • Coarse-grained salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Garlic powder

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
Step 1 – Spray cookie sheet with non-stick spray. I oftentimes line the cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray that.
Step 2 – I sprinkle some salt evenly across the cookie sheet. (Season the underside of the fish too. 
Step 3 – Place the salmon filets (skinned or skin side down) on the sheet, and lightly season with just a touch of salt, garlic powder, and pepper.
Step 4 – Bake until salmon is cooked through, approximately 12 minutes – no more. There are lots of recipes out there that seem to want to completely destroy a nice filet of fish by overcooking it. And if what you’re looking for is a dry fish that has lost much of its flavor and appeal, by all means – cook it as much more as you want. Just remember…I said 12 minutes with a preheated oven set at 450.
In fact, what I did last night worked very nicely – since I like a touch of brown on the top of the fish…..about halfway through (yes – 6 minutes in), I switched the oven from bake to broil – and left the oven closed until the timer was done.
Take out immediately – and eat eat eat.
Serve with whatever side you prefer, some cooked greens as pictured, or maybe some nice rice pilaf. Whatever floats your boat.