A case-study in traditional publication

You’ll find that I am in the midst of an experiment. Can I as a technologist bridge the chasm between non-literary type to a veritable published author through the normal publishing route. The odds are severely stacked against me. This blog will begin to document that process along with some of my thoughts on the gory details, writing, rejections, agents, publishers, editors, etc.

I’ll document the process for posterity, and in the off-chance that I am successful, it should make an interesting case study for others who attempt to follow a similar route.
Right now, I am in the final stages of the edits of my first of a series of books geared toward a YA Fantasy genre.
I expect that in the end of January 2012, I will be submitting to a series of the top agents in the industry. We shall see how things go.
If successful, I will share every detail, including the exact query letter to agents (let’s face it, you shouldn’t care what it looks like until it’s proven to have gotten anyone through the front door) and the details of the ongoing exchanges beyond that.
In the meantime, there are a myriad of things that were done to get to that stage that I will document. I truly hope others find this useful. I certainly am not documenting this for myself. I know what I went through. 🙂